helmut g. katzgraber
  Proseminar in Theoretical Physics:
  Quantum Computing

general information

General information about the proseminar will be posted in this section. Be sure to check back periodically as most announcements will be made here. If you have any questions, please send us an email. The proseminar is mondays from 10:00 - 14:00 in the Pauli room (HPZ E9).

  • The topic distribution will take place December 14, 13:00h in the Pauli room (HPZ E9).

  • The workshop on how to give a presentation will be Monday 18/02 from 10-12 and from 13-15 (1h lunch break).

  • There are no more open slots for FS08. Sorry.

  • On April 14 the Seminar will be in HPV G5.

  • On March 17 the Seminar will be in HPT B71.

  • No Seminar on April 07

organization & details


The proseminar covers quantum computing ranging from traditional approaches and general quantum information theory to topologically protected quantum computing as well as the feasibility of implementations with current technology.

General organization

A tentative list of topics for the proseminar can be found below in the timetable. Please be sure to contact your respective assistant (listed on the timetable) at least six weeks before your talk to discuss logistics. Be sure to keep your assistant updated of your work at least once a week and hand in your results two weeks before your scheduled talk. One week before your talk you are expected to have a draft of your report as well as a finished set of slides (the report can be handed in later and is not necessary for the talk). Remember that you are supposed to give a "professional" talk with either LaTeX, PowerPoint or Keynote in English. If you do not know how to do this, ask your assistant immediately for assistance. The talk should be 50 minutes long. Students in the audience are expected to ask questions and think of a good question to ask at the end of the presentation. Criteria for obtaining a Testat:
  • Give a presentation.

  • Be present at least 80% of the time.

  • Hand in a written report of your talk in English.

  • Ask at least one question in the semester.
All students are expected to hand in a written report (in English) about their talk. This report will be compiled to a book with all other contributions using a LaTeX macro. To download the LaTeX macro for the proseminar (and all the necessary instructions) click here. Download the file 'template.tgz' and use those files only. Please see the file 'INFO.txt' for details. Please follow the instructions carefully (in particular the part about BibTeX). If you have any questions, please ask your assistants. Note that no report = no Testat.

The report is complete and can be downloaded as a PDF file. If you would like a printed or bound version of the report, please come by HPZ E8 or contact email.


Prof. Dr. Helmut Katzgraber HPZ E8 3 3580
Prof. Dr. Renato Renner HPZ G1 3 3458
Dr. Johan Aaberg HPZ XX 3 xxxx
Dr. Mert Aybat HPZ G5 3 2565
Dr. Roger Colbeck HPZ F10.3 3 4768
Dr. Alejandro Daleo HPZ G12 3 6907
Dr. Oscar Dahlsten HPZ F10.3 3 4768
Dr. Wojciech De Roeck HPZ G6 3 2566
Fabian Hassler HPZ E8 3 3103
Sebastian Huber HPZ E8 3 3664
Dr. Stefan Hohenegger HPZ G11 3 2577
Dr. Christian Iniotakis HPZ G15 3 2575
Dr. Sergey Isakov HPZ E4 3 4209
Dr. Ingo Kirsch HPZ G16 3 2576
Dr. Evgeny Kozik HPZ E1 3 2562
Dr. Andrey Lebedev HPZ G8 3 3274
Dr. Jean-David Picon HPZ E3.2 3 2592
Dr. Lode Pollet HPZ E3.2 3 2592


18/02 Workshop: How to give a scientific presentation
Eva Buff Keller [Didaktikzentrum ETH Zurich]
[HPV G5]
Classical computing [slides]
Katarina Gromova
Mert Aybat
03/03 Factorization and applications (cryptography, RSA, ...) [slides]
Mauro Calderara
Ingo Kirsch
10/03 Computational models for quantum computing [slides]
Pascal Steger
Stefan Hohenegger
17/03 Simple algorithms (Deutsch, Deutsch-Josza, ...) [slides]
Thomas Strub
Andrey Lebedev
17/03 The Grover algorithm [slides]
Raffaele Solca
Alejandro Daleo
24/03 Easter
no seminar
31/03 Quantum error correction [slides]
Junji Shimagaki
Jean-David Picon
31/03 Fault-tolerant quantum computing [slides]
Ralph Chati
Christian Iniotakis
Johan Aaberg
07/04 no seminar
[HPV G5]
Quantum Fourier transform [slides]
Markus Schmassmann
Oscar Dahlsten
[HPV G5]
Shor's algorithm [slides]
Roger Herrigel
Wojciech De Roeck
21/04 Introduction to topologically-protected quantum computing (Kitaev's model) [slides]
Andreas Goelzer
Sebastian Huber
21/04 Quantum computer implementations (traditional approaches, Ioffe proposal) [slides]
Markus Baden
Fabian Hassler
28/04 One-way quantum computing [slides]
Gregor Seiler
Evgeny Kosik
[HPV G5]
Communication complexity problems [slides]
Yves Delley
Lode Pollet
12/05 Pfingsten
no seminar
19/05 Coin flipping [slides]
Philippe Labouchere
Roger Colbeck
26/05 Non-Abelian quantum computing (braids) [slides]
Fabio Pedrocchi
Sergey Isakov

useful links

suggested initial reading

25/02 Classical computing:

- Sections 3.1 and 3.2 of Nielsen and Chuang "Quantum Computation and Quantum
  Information", Cambridge University Press, 2000.

- standard textbook: M. Sipser, Introduction to the Theory of Computation,
  Course Technology, 2005.

03/03 Factorization and applications:

- original article proposing the RSA cryptosystem: R. Rivest,
  A. Shamir, and L. Adleman, A method for obtaining digital signatures
  and public-key cryptosystems, Comm. of the ACM, vol. 21,
  pp. 120-126, 1978.

- Chapter 8 of A. J. Menezes, P. C. van Oorschot, and S. A. Vanstone,
  Handbook of Applied Cryptography, CRC Press, 1996.

10/03 Computational models for quantum computing:

- original paper introducing the circuit model: D. Deutsch, Quantum
  computational networks, Proc. R. Soc. London A, vol 425, pp. 73-90,

- research article on quantum Turing machines: P. Benioff, Models of
  quantum Turing machines, Fortsch. Phys., vol. 46, pp. 423-442,

- research article on the relation between the circuit model and
  quantum Turing machines: A. Yao, Quantum circuit complexity,
  Proc. of the 34th Ann. Symp. on Found. of Comp. Sc. (FOCS),
  pp. 352-361, 1993.

- Chapter 4 of Nielsen and Chuang, "Quantum Computation and Quantum
  Information", Cambridge University Press, 2000.

17/03: Simple algorithms part I: e.g., Deutsch and Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm
       not including Grover's algorithm

- original article proposing the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm: D. Deutsch
  and R. Jozsa, Rapid solutions of problems by quantum computation,
  Proc. R. Soc. London A, vol. 439, pp. 553-558, 1992.

- Chapter 6 of P. Kaye, R. Laflamme, and M. Mosca, An Introduction to
  Quantum Computing, Oxford University Press, 2007.

17/03: Simple algorithms part II: Grover's algorithm

- original article: L.K. Grover, Quantum mechanics helps in searching
  for a needle in a haystack, Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 79, p. 325-328,

- Chapter 8 of P. Kaye, R. Laflamme, and M. Mosca, An Introduction to
  Quantum Computing, Oxford University Press, 2007.

31/03 Quantum error correction:

- original article proposing quantum error correction: P. Shor, Scheme
  for reducing decoherence in quantum computer memory, Phys. Rev. A, vol. 52
  pp. R2493-R2496, 1995.

- Chapter 7 (until Section 9) of J. Preskill's lecture notes,

- Chapter 10 (Section 1-5) of P. Kaye, R. Laflamme, and M. Mosca, An
  Introduction to Quantum Computing, Oxford University Press, 2007.

31/03 Fault-tolerant quantum computation:

- original article proposing fault-tolerant quantum computation:
  P. W. Shor, Fault-tolerant quantum computation, in Proc. of the 37th
  Ann.  Symp. on Found. of Comp. Sc. (FOCS), pp. 56-65, 1996.

- Chapter 10 (Section 6) of P. Kaye, R. Laflamme, and M. Mosca, An
  Introduction to Quantum Computing, Oxford University Press, 2007.

07/04 Quantum Fourier transform:

- original article: P. W. Shor, Polynomial-time algorithms for prime
  factorization and discrete logarithms on a quantum computer, SIAM
  Journal on Computing, vol. 26, pp. 1484-1509. 1997.

- Chapter 7 (Section 1) of P. Kaye, R. Laflamme, and M. Mosca, An
  Introduction to Quantum Computing, Oxford University Press, 2007.

- Chapter 5 (Sections 1 and 2) of Nielsen and Chuang, "Quantum Computation and
  Quantum Information", Cambridge University Press, 2000.

07/04 Shor's algorithm:

- original article: P.W. Shor, Polynomial-time algorithms for prime
  factorization and discrete logarithms on a quantum computer, SIAM
  Journal on Computing, vol. 26, pp. 1484-1509. 1997.

- Chapter 5 (Sections 3 and 4) of Nielsen and Chuang, "Quantum Computation and
  Quantum Information", Cambridge University Press, 2000.

- Chapter 7 (Section 3) of P. Kaye, R. Laflamme, and M. Mosca, An
  Introduction to Quantum Computing, Oxford University Press, 2007.

14/04 Introduction to topologically-protected quantum computing:

- A. Kitaev, "Anyons in an exactly solved model and beyond,"

- J. Preskill's lecture notes,

- Freedman, M. H. and Kitaev, A. Y. and Larsen, M. J. and
  Wang, Z., Topological quantum computation, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.
  40, 31 (2002).

- J. Preskill, Fault-tolerant quantum computation,

21/04  Quantum computer implementations (traditional approaches, Ioffe

- A. Kitaev, "Anyons in an exactly solved model and beyond,"

- J. Preskill's lecture notes,

- Moessner, R. and Sondhi, S. L., Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 1881 (2001)

- Ralko, A. and Ferrero, M. and Becca, F. and Ivanov, D. and Mila, F.,
  Phys. Rev. B 71, 224109 (2005)

- Rokhsar, D. S. and Kivelson, S. A, Phys. Rev. Lett. 61, 2376 (1988).

- Ioffe, L. B., Feigel'man, M. V., Ioselevich, A., Ivanov, D., Troyer, M. 
  and Blatter, G., Nature 415, 503 (2002).

- A. Fabricio Albuquerque, H. G. Katzgraber, Matthias Troyer, and
  Gianni Blatter, "Engineering exotic phases for topologically-protected
  quantum computation by emulating quantum dimer models", 

28/04 One-way quantum computing:

- original article: R. Raussendorf and H. J. Briegel, A one-way
  quantum computer, Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 86, pp. 5188-5191, 2001.

- more detailed article: R. Raussendorf and H. J. Briegel,
  Computational model underlying the one-way quantum computer,
  Quant. Inform. Comput.,  vol. 2, pp. 344-386, 2002.

05/05 Quantum communication complexity:

- (not so recent) survey article: G. Brassard, Quantum communication
  complexity (a survey), arXiv:quant-ph/0101005, 2001.

- recent research article: D. Gavinsky, J. Kempe, I. Kerenidis,
  R. Raz, R. de Wolf, Exponential separations for one-way quantum
  communication complexity, with applications to cryptography,
  arXiv:quant-ph/0611209, 2006.

19/05 Coin flipping:

  (Literature provided by Roger Colbeck directly)

26/05 Non-Abelian quantum computing

- A. Kitaev, "Anyons in an exactly solved model and beyond,"

- J. Preskill's lecture notes (Chapter 9),

- Freedman, M. H. and Kitaev, A. Y. and Larsen, M. J. and
  Wang, Z., Topological quantum computation, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.
  40, 31 (2002).

- Freedman, M. H. and Larsen, M. J. and Wang Z., Comm. Math. Phys. 227, 
  587 (2002).

- Freedman, M. H., talk given at MSRI

- N. Boesteel, L. Hormozi and G. Zikos, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 140503 (2006)

- N. Bonesteel, talk given at KITP